Two excellent ways to verify user identity

To keep your network safe from cybercriminals, your first line of defense should be a secure login process. When it comes to verifying user identity, you can choose between two-step authentication and two-factor authentication. Know more about the difference between the two, so you can have a better appreciation of your cybersecurity options.

The vulnerabilities of hypervisors

The efficiency of hypervisors against cyberattacks has earned them a reputation as a reliable and robust software application. But the persistence of hackers who never run out of creative ways to breach systems keeps IT experts on their toes. You should know the vulnerabilities of hypervisors so you can defend them properly and keep hackers at bay.

Better ransomware protection with Windows 10

In 2018, ransomware was the biggest malware threat to businesses worldwide. Experts say it’s not likely to go away soon. But thanks to Windows 10’s beefed-up security features, you can easily secure your business from the dangers of ransomware.
Controlled Folder Access
This feature allows you to list certain documents and folders as “protected.